47 Coisas loucas que só existem no Dubai

Não vai acreditar no que as pessoas mais ricas do Dubai estão a comprar – o número 7 é ultrajante!

O Dubai é como aquele super-ultrapassado que tem de ser sempre o melhor em TUDO. Mas mesmo que penses que já viste tudo, acredita em nós, ainda não viste nada! Esquece os arranha-céus e os carros de luxo – esses são apenas a ponta do icebergue do Dubai. Estamos prestes a levá-lo numa viagem alucinante através das experiências mais deslumbrantes da cidade, que são de cair o queixo, de arregalar os olhos e simplesmente de “está a brincar comigo?!”!

Achas que sabes o que significa “luxo”? Pois bem! O Dubai está aqui para te ensinar! Não estamos a falar de barras de ouro ou telemóveis com diamantes. Não, estamos a ir MUITO além disso. Imagina comer comida tão requintada que te vais sentir como a realeza, ou talvez até conhecer um polícia robô. Sim, leste bem. Um robot. Um polícia.

Prepara-te, porque temos uma lista que te vai fazer questionar tudo o que pensavas saber sobre a boa vida. É hilariante, é bizarra, é espantosa e até um pouco chocante. Pronto para mergulhar em 47 coisas ultrajantes que só existem no Dubai? Fique por aqui – não vai acreditar no que vê!

1. Sanitas de diamante

Já alguma vez sonhou em sentar-se num trono feito de diamantes? Bem, no Dubai, pode literalmente fazer isso mesmo! Segurem-se nos assentos, amigos, porque esta não é uma sanita normal – é uma sanita de 1,28 milhões de dólares cravejada com 40.815 diamantes de cair o queixo! Sim, são 334 quilates de diamantes para fazer com que as suas idas à casa de banho pareçam um evento real.

2. Polícia em Hover-Bikes

O céu já não é o limite para as forças policiais do Dubai. Com a intenção de adicionar hover-bikes à sua já extravagante frota de veículos policiais, a Força Policial do Dubai está a levar a “patrulha de batida” a um nível totalmente novo. Construídas pela Hoversurf, estas bicicletas aéreas são leves, pesando apenas 114 kg, mas têm um corpo em fibra de carbono e quatro rotores que permitem a descolagem e aterragem verticais. Os agentes que pretendam juntar-se a este esquadrão futurista têm de possuir um conjunto de competências únicas que combina a operação de drones com a condução de motas.

Já conhecida por patrulhar as ruas em Lamborghinis e Bugattis, a Força Policial do Dubai vê estas hover-bikes como primeiros socorros para chegar a áreas menos acessíveis de carro. Também não são passeios de lazer; podem voar até 16 pés acima do solo e fazer zoom no ar a velocidades limitadas a 60 mph. Se tem um espírito aventureiro e uma conta bancária saudável, uma versão civil da hover-bike pode ser a sua próxima grande compra – por uns fantásticos $150.000. O Dubai está claramente a colocar o “céu” em “horizonte” com esta última iniciativa de voar alto.

3. Colher de gelado de 817 dólares

Prepara-te para isto: No Dubai, é possível comprar uma bola de gelado que custa uns incríveis 817 dólares! Sim, leu bem. Mas este não é um gelado qualquer; é o “Diamante Negro”, e é como um baú do tesouro de coisas deliciosas e muito caras. Imagine-se a lamber flocos de ouro (sim, ouro verdadeiro de 23 quilates), misturados com baunilha super chique e especiarias como açafrão e trufa preta.

Espera, há mais! Esta colher de cair o queixo vem numa taça Versace, com uma colher Versace a condizer. E adivinha? Pode levá-las para casa! Então, será que esta bola de gelado vale o mesmo que um carro pequeno? Quem sabe, mas se estiver no Dubai e quiser esbanjar, pode ser a sobremesa mais inesquecível que alguma vez comerá!

4. Não dizer palavrões no Whatsapp

O sistema legal do Dubai pode parecer familiar, mas tem o seu próprio conjunto de peculiaridades que podem apanhar os visitantes desprevenidos. Por exemplo, dizer palavrões ou fazer gestos grosseiros em público pode levar a uma multa pesada ou mesmo a uma pena de prisão. Além disso, nem pense em ficar embriagado e causar uma cena; a embriaguez em público é um grande erro e é punível por lei.

O sistema jurídico também é rigoroso no que diz respeito à utilização da Internet. Dizer palavrões no WhatsApp pode levar o utilizador à prisão durante um ano ou custar-lhe uma multa de 137 000 dólares. A lei é suficientemente rigorosa para que uma mulher britânica tenha sido detida em 2021 por dizer palavrões no WhatsApp. Além disso, o acesso a alguns sítios Web pode ser restringido e os serviços VoIP, como o Skype, são frequentemente bloqueados. Por outro lado, a cidade é incrivelmente segura, ostentando uma das mais baixas taxas de criminalidade do mundo. No entanto, as regras são rigorosas e a ignorância não é uma desculpa aceitável. Por isso, antes de partir para este paraíso de luxo, uma leitura rápida das leis locais pode poupar-lhe muitos problemas.

5. Ferrari McDelivery

Quando se pensava que o Dubai não podia ficar mais luxuoso, a McDonald’s sobe de nível ao introduzir o McDelivery através do Lamborghini e do Ferrari. Sim, leu bem! Imagine a cena: Está a relaxar na sua penthouse, com vontade de comer algo reconfortante, e depois – vroom, vroom – um elegante Ferrari ou Lamborghini pára a toda a velocidade mesmo em frente à sua residência. Sai o seu pedido de Big Mac, batatas fritas e talvez até um sundae, se estiver a sentir-se mais. É o encontro do luxo com a comida rápida da forma mais Dubai possível.

Então, porquê contentar-se com uma scooter de entregas normal quando pode receber os seus McNuggets num carro que vale mais do que a maioria das casas? Estes demónios da velocidade estão decorados com o logótipo da McDonald’s, criando um visual de cair o queixo que é parte James Bond, parte Ronald McDonald. Porque no Dubai, porquê comer apenas fast food quando se pode transformá-la numa experiência digna de um grande prémio?

6. Calor extremo

O Dubai não é apenas quente; é quente como “fritar um ovo no passeio”. Com temperaturas de verão que podem ultrapassar os 43°C, esta cidade pode parecer que se entrou numa sauna que alguém se esqueceu de desligar. Mas nem tudo é mau! O calor extremo é a desculpa perfeita para se ir divertir no Chillout Ice Lounge, onde as paredes são literalmente feitas de gelo. Aqui, no coração do centro do Dubai, encontrará um refúgio que está a seis graus negativos, oferecendo um contraste chocante mas agradável com o calor abrasador que se faz sentir no exterior. E não se preocupe, eles protegem-no – parkas e chapéus confortáveis são fornecidos à porta! Sim, pode literalmente passar do deserto para o país das maravilhas de inverno numa questão de segundos.

E embora possa pensar que o calor abranda a vida, pense novamente! O Dubai está repleto de actividades ao ar livre durante todo o ano, adaptadas ao calor, desde golfe noturno a safaris no deserto ao anoitecer. Além disso, não nos esqueçamos dos incríveis parques aquáticos da cidade e dos luxuosos clubes de praia, concebidos como as derradeiras zonas de relaxamento para vencer o sol implacável. Afinal de contas, se a vida nos dá um deserto, porque não fazer um oásis?

7. Agentes de polícia robóticos

Esqueça a ficção científica; no Dubai, o futuro é agora! Se alguma vez sentiu que a frase “O Big Brother está a observá-lo” precisava de uma atualização futurista, que tal “O RoboCop está a patrulhá-lo”? Sim, ouviste bem. No Dubai, o país das maravilhas, os polícias robóticos da vida real passeiam-se pelos centros comerciais e atracções populares, totalmente equipados para cobrar multas, denunciar crimes e até conversar consigo através de um ecrã tátil.

Como se não bastassem os polícias em hover-bikes e supercarros dourados, o Dubai está a implementar um plano para tornar robóticos 25% da sua força policial até 2030. Não, não vão substituir os agentes humanos, mas é apenas uma questão de tempo até começarem a beber lattes com flocos de ouro, certo? Esperemos apenas que estes agentes da lei metálicos não se tornem num “Exterminador”. Porque no Dubai, ao que parece, a vida imita a arte – da forma mais luxuosa possível!

8. Hotel submarino

Dubai, uma cidade sinónimo de opulência e maravilhas arquitectónicas, também oferece uma extraordinária experiência de hospitalidade que mergulha os hóspedes nas profundezas do luxo subaquático. Imagine adormecer ao som da dança suave das arraias e dos peixes exóticos mesmo à sua janela. Esta fantasia aquática torna-se realidade nas suites “Neptune” e “Poseidon” do Atlantis, The Palm. Localizadas na Ambassador Lagoon, estas espectaculares acomodações possuem janelas do chão ao teto que oferecem aos hóspedes vistas inigualáveis de um vibrante mundo marinho, lar de mais de 65.000 criaturas marinhas. É como ter o seu próprio aquário gigante, mas este vem com serviço de quarto de 5 estrelas.

No entanto, a experiência é tão cara quanto cativante. Se se sentir tentado a passar uma noite submerso no luxo, prepare-se para tornar a sua carteira muito mais leve. No mínimo, custa cerca de 314 dólares por noite para algumas experiências subaquáticas, mas uma estadia numa das suites topo de gama, como a Neptune e a Poseidon, pode custar-lhe uns impressionantes 25.000 dólares por apenas uma noite! Isso é mais caro do que alguns dos hotéis terrestres mais luxuosos do mundo. Mas, por outro lado, onde é que se pode adormecer enquanto um tubarão passa suavemente pela janela? Nos hotéis subaquáticos do Dubai, a extravagância não conhece limites – ou profundidades.

9. Anúncios de casamento

No Dubai, não é raro encontrar anúncios que procuram noivos para mulheres jovens. Estes anúncios de “Procura-se noivo” fazem parte de uma tradição mais alargada, em que os pais fazem questão de arranjar casamentos para as suas filhas. Embora o conceito possa parecer estranho às culturas ocidentais, especialmente tendo em conta a idade jovem das noivas, normalmente por volta dos 25 anos, está profundamente enraizado nos costumes dos Emirados.

Nesta cidade, os pais ou outros membros importantes da família costumam organizar os casamentos. Um homem pode mesmo ter até quatro mulheres se as tratar a todas de forma igual. Isto pode parecer invulgar para pessoas de países ocidentais, mas é uma prática antiga nos EAU. O máximo que uma família pode pagar como dote, ou prenda de casamento, é cerca de 13.613 dólares.

10. Massagem de realidade virtual

Cansado da mesma velha massagem nas costas? Diga olá às Massagens de Realidade Virtual no Be Relax, mesmo dentro do Aeroporto Internacional do Dubai! Por 80 a 120 dólares, não está apenas a receber uma massagem; está a inscrever-se para uma experiência imersiva que o fará esquecer que está num aeroporto. Esqueça o ar viciado do aeroporto; agora pode sentir a brisa de um passeio de balão de ar quente, os passos suaves dos elefantes ou nadar com golfinhos – tudo isto enquanto desata os nós.

Esqueça o facto de estar a folhear o seu telemóvel enquanto espera pelo voo – a missão do Be Relax é tornar a sua escala no aeroporto o mais descontraída possível. Não se trata apenas de uma massagem; é uma rota de fuga da azáfama do terminal. Por isso, da próxima vez que se encontrar no Terminal 3 do Aeroporto do Dubai, dirija-se ao Concourse A, Porta 23. Confie em nós, o seu corpo cansado da viagem e a sua alma sedenta de aventura vão agradecer-lhe!

11. Sensibilidade cultural

O Dubai é um caldeirão de culturas, mas é também uma cidade profundamente enraizada nas tradições islâmicas. Compreender estas normas culturais não é apenas respeitoso, é essencial. Por exemplo, as demonstrações públicas de afeto são desaprovadas e podem causar-lhe problemas legais. Por isso, guarde os beijos para os momentos privados. Além disso, é habitual cumprimentar alguém do mesmo sexo com um aperto de mão ou até com um toque de nariz, mas o contacto físico entre homens e mulheres em público é normalmente evitado.

Até os códigos de vestuário são conservadores, especialmente durante o mês sagrado do Ramadão. Embora o Dubai seja mais permissivo do que outras cidades da região, as roupas reveladoras podem provocar alguns olhares de lado, ou pior, um aviso da polícia. A questão é que a sensibilidade cultural não é apenas “agradável de ter”; é uma obrigação no Dubai. Pode desfrutar da vida moderna e glamorosa da cidade e, ao mesmo tempo, mostrar respeito pelas suas tradições e normas sociais.

12. Questões relacionadas com a dívida

O Dubai é a cidade dos grandes sonhos e dos arranha-céus ainda maiores, mas é também um local onde as dívidas se podem tornar num pesadelo. Acredite ou não, passar um cheque careca ou não pagar um empréstimo pode levar à prisão, graças às rigorosas leis financeiras do emirado. Não é raro ouvir histórias de expatriados que tiveram de abandonar os seus carros de luxo no aeroporto para fugir aos cobradores de dívidas e a uma potencial prisão.

But things are starting to change. The government is trying to make laws that are less harsh on people who owe money. Plus, some grocery stores in Dubai are now giving free food to people who need it, particularly following a dip in tourism during 2020-2021 that left stores with excess food. So, if you’re thinking of going to Dubai, make sure you know the rules about money to avoid any problems.

13. Diamond Nokia Phones

Dubai is known for its love of luxury, and even cell phones are no exception. Take the Nokia Supreme, for example. It’s not just any old phone—it’s covered in 12.5 carats of pink diamonds! These diamonds aren’t just stuck on; they’re carefully placed by hand all around the phone’s frame. So, while the rest of the world is busy talking about the latest smartphones, people in Dubai are bringing back the classic Nokia in the fanciest way possible.

And if you’re wondering about the cost, hold onto your hats. This diamond-covered phone comes with a hefty price tag of $170,000. Yes, you read that right. In a city where you can find gold ATMs and underwater homes, a super-expensive, diamond-covered phone fits right in. It’s not just a phone; it’s a status symbol that says, “I’ve made it!”

14. Designer Trash Bins

Ever thought a trash bin could make a fashion statement? Welcome to Dubai, where even garbage has a touch of glam! Picture this: bins covered with designer brand logos like Louis Vuitton. Yes, you heard that right—people are actually taking the time to paint their trash and recycling bins with designer insignias!

In a city where appearance is everything and brand names are king, why should trash be any different? Let’s face it, if you’re going to live the luxe life in Dubai, your trash might as well do it in style too!

15. Uber For Yachts

Think Uber is just for car rides? Not in Dubai, where the ride-sharing company offers a luxe twist: Uber for Yachts. For about $82 per ride, you can be whisked away to an Uber yacht moored at Marine Pier 7. But this isn’t just any yacht experience—it comes complete with DJ music from Nikki Beach, a well-known global clubbing brand.

Booking is as simple as reserving your spot through the Uber app, which also keeps tabs on when exclusive yacht parties are available. Chriss Free, the general manager of Uber UAE, says the service is all about “constantly innovating” to provide unique experiences at the push of a button. So, if you’re in Dubai and feeling nautical, your yacht experience is just an app tap away.

16. Extremely high tennis courts 

Soaring more than a thousand feet above the ground, the rooftop tennis court at Dubai’s Burj al Arab hotel serves up luxury with a view. In a spectacular publicity stunt back in 2005, tennis legends Roger Federer and Andre Agassi volleyed to inaugurate what is now the world’s loftiest tennis court. This happened just before the kick-off of the Dubai Duty-Free Open, turning both the sport and the venue into immediate icons.

Staying at the Burj al Arab will set you back anywhere from $1,000 to $28,000 a night, but if you’re a guest, you get the exclusive chance to play on this sky-high court. Tempting, isn’t it? But beware, if you overshoot a serve, the tennis ball could take a perilous plunge from a great height. Thankfully, the court extends over the water, making the risk to pedestrians below quite minimal. So, game, set, and match to unparalleled luxury!

17. Gold ATMs

Did you know you can actually withdraw gold bars from an ATM! That’s right, the Gold To Go ATM, first introduced in the Emirates in 2010, is your one-stop-shop for all things shiny and valuable. Produced by TG Gold-Super-Markt, these unique machines are stocked with an astonishing 320 different gold items, from custom coins to weighted, 24-carat gold bars sealed in plastic. The bars alone are worth around a staggering $1.46 million! Whether you have an urgent need to diversify your investments or just want to impress someone with a golden souvenir, these ATMs are a testament to the emirate’s penchant for luxury and convenience.

If you’re concerned about the safety and pricing of such an extravagant endeavor, worry not. These gold-dispensing ATMs are as secure as Fort Knox. The prices of the golden goods are updated every single minute via an encrypted internet connection, ensuring you get the most bang—or in this case, bling—for your buck. As for security, these machines are practically impenetrable. Equipped with surveillance cameras that record every transaction, they’re also built like armored vehicles and have even been tested against explosives. So next time you’re in Dubai and feel like making a withdrawal that’s a little more glittering than usual, you know where to go!

18. Boxing On A Rooftop

If you thought boxing was all about sweaty gyms and dingy basements, think again. In Dubai, you can throw punches in style. The Sofitel The Palms Dubai hotel offers a boxing gym experience like no other—on a rooftop, no less! For $80, you get a one-hour session with a pro trainer, and the backdrop for your jabs and uppercuts is the Dubai skyline. Now that’s what you call a knockout setting.

Of course, if you’re just after the prestige of saying you’ve boxed on a rooftop overlooking one of the world’s most glamorous cities, you can simply rent the ring for $15 an hour. Just a heads-up—this gym is a hot ticket. People usually book months in advance to secure a spot. So if you want to train or just show off in this high-altitude ring, better plan ahead.

19. Sky-High Dinner

Forget rooftop dining. That’s so last year. In Dubai, you eat in the sky! Imagine floating 165 feet above the ground, munching on gourmet bites while dangling your feet in the air. Yes, it’s real, and it’s called Dinner in the Sky Dubai. You’re not just in a high chair; you’re in the highest chair! 

Strap in, folks. We mean it—there are actual seat belts. Safety first, right? The whole dining table rotates, so you’re getting 360-degree views of glittering Dubai. No need to fight for the seat with the best view; every seat is the best seat! Is it pricey? Yep. Dinner will set you back $191. But hey, where else can you eat, float, and feel like Aladdin on a magic carpet ride, all at the same time?

20. Elite Ambulances

Even the ambulances in Dubai are over the top! Unlike any emergency medical service you’ve seen, these ambulances are essentially high-speed supercars. Designed to reach patients as rapidly as possible, Dubai’s fleet includes ambulances that are actually modified sports cars—think Lamborghinis, Ferraris, and even a Lotus! They even use limousines as ambulances to offer a luxurious medical transport experience. Covered by standard medical plans, these limo ambulances aren’t for life-or-death emergencies but provide a lavish transport option for less urgent medical needs. And guess what? You can even bring a friend along for the swanky ride!

Imagine the surprise when, in the midst of a medical emergency, what pulls up isn’t a van with sirens, but a sleek supercar capable of speeds most vehicles can only dream of. These high-speed vehicles are equipped with all the necessary first-aid equipment and staffed by highly-trained medical professionals, ensuring that quality of care is not sacrificed for speed. While the sight of a Lamborghini or Ferrari serving as an ambulance might elicit raised eyebrows in most parts of the world, it somehow feels right at home in Dubai. 

21. Ferrari Pizza Delivery

Ever ordered a pizza and thought, “This would be so much better if it showed up in a Ferrari?” Well, you’re in luck—at least if you’re in Dubai! You can have your cheesy slice delivered straight to your doorstep in a Ferrari worth a staggering $276,550! Talk about living the fast and the flavorful life!

This isn’t just about making an entrance; it’s also about guaranteeing your dinner arrives hot and fresh. When your delivery driver’s in a car that can hit over 200 mph, Domino’s old 30-minute delivery promise starts to seem a little, well, slow. So the next time you’re in Dubai, skip the traditional delivery method and go for the most Dubai thing ever—a pizza brought to you by the horsepower of a Ferrari!

22. Marble Horse Stables

When it comes to luxury, Dubai doesn’t horse around—quite literally. The city is home to the Godolphin Stables, a horse lover’s dream complete with marble floors and elegantly painted walls. Owned by Sheik Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, these are no ordinary barns. They house some of the world’s top racehorses, and the stables are as high-end as you can get, featuring temperature-controlled environments to ensure the horses’ utmost comfort.

In Dubai, where over-the-top luxury is just another Tuesday, it’s not just humans who get to live the high life. Even the horses experience unparalleled pampering. After all, in a place where people don’t blink an eye at buying diamond-covered phones or indulging in golden desserts, making sure their elite racehorses also enjoy some spoils is simply par for the course. If you’re among Dubai’s well-heeled residents, having a marble stable for your prized equine isn’t extravagance—it’s almost expected.

23. Gold Supercars 

In Dubai, luxury cars are as common as palm trees, but some folks take “luxury” to the next level by driving gold-plated cars! Imagine cruising down the highway in a car that’s not just shiny, but actually coated in 24-karat gold. These aren’t just cars; they’re like moving pieces of art. Bright under the desert sun, these golden beauties are real head-turners. They make even the fanciest of cars look plain as they glide down the roads, gleaming like treasures you’d find in an ancient king’s vault.

But it’s not just the outside of these cars that’s jaw-dropping. Step inside, and you might find seats made of fine leather, diamond accents on the dashboard, and even mini bars. They’re the epitome of comfort and style mixed into one. However, you won’t see them everywhere; they’re often reserved for special events or occasions where they’re sure to be the star of the show. Driving one of these isn’t just about getting from point A to point B; it’s about making a statement that you’ve arrived—in the most glamorous way possible.

24. World’s First Temperature Controlled City

Dubai is planning to build the world’s first city that has temperature control, called the Mall of the World. It’s a huge project that will cost $6.8 billion and cover 48 million square feet. The idea is to create something like a giant shopping mall, but it will also have 100 hotels and apartment buildings. It’s going to be so big that it’s expected to draw 180 million visitors each year.

The Mall of the World won’t just be about shopping; it will also be a place where people can enjoy culture and entertainment. It will have a district full of theaters, much like New York’s famous Broadway. There will also be a special walking area inspired by a famous street in Barcelona. On top of that, there will be a ‘wellness district’ for medical tourists. With this new project, Dubai aims to make a big splash in how cities are designed, focusing on being both amazing and environmentally friendly.

25. Unusual Car Park Attendants 

Welcome to Dubai, where parking your car is an adventure in itself! Forget your humdrum parking garages and their forgettable attendants—how would you like a lion guarding your precious wheels? You read that right: in a city known for its opulence and flashy cars, some car park owners have decided that the best way to protect their clients’ automotive investments is with bona fide lions. This isn’t the stuff of comic books or cartoons; these are real, live, majestic big cats that you definitely don’t want to cross.

And we’re not talking about just any cars. These lions are guarding some of the most luxurious, eye-wateringly expensive vehicles on the planet. Why settle for a security camera when you can have a 400-pound feline doing the job? It’s like having a private security detail that’s also a National Geographic special. So if you’re parking your six-figure ride in Dubai, rest assured it’s in paws—err, hands—more capable than you could ever have imagined. Would-be thieves, you’ve been warned: Tread carefully, because these attendants bite.

26. Uber Lux

Bored of regular Ubers? Buckle up, because in Dubai, every car ride can be an over-the-top extravaganza! Forget about minivans and sedans—imagine being picked up by a Lamborghini or a Bugatti when you slide your finger across that Uber app. That’s right, for just around $8 to $10 for a 10-minute spin, you’re not just buying a ride; you’re snagging a VIP ticket to the fast and the luxurious.

You might be thinking, “No way, a Lambo for 10 bucks?” Oh, yes way! You see, Dubai isn’t just rich in skyscrapers and gold vending machines; it’s also overflowing with folks who own these ritzy sports cars. Sometimes, they’re the ones who’ll swing by to pick you up when you request an Uber. So next time you’re in Dubai and need a lift, don’t just ride—ride in style, my friends! Because you never know, your next Uber driver might just rev up your day in a way you never imagined.

27. Sailing Supermarkets

Think grocery shopping is a land-based activity? Not in Dubai, where even the concept of a supermarket has taken to the seas. Welcome to Carrefour Bites & More by the Shore, a supermarket that floats and serves you right on the water. With a range of items priced between $5 and $20, you can pick up hot and cold snacks, fresh food, beverages, ice cream, and even necessities like medicine and sunscreen without ever having to go ashore.

Launched in 2018, this unique floating store was the world’s first “sail-through” supermarket. It operates six days a week from 10 AM to 6 PM, weather permitting. So whether you’re out boating, jet-skiing, or enjoying a day on a yacht, this sailing supermarket has got you covered. You can find it servicing the Kite, Jumeirah, and Al-Sufouh Beaches, making it a convenient and novel way to grab your essentials while enjoying a day on the water.

28. Pet Cheetahs

Some people in Dubai keep cheetahs as pets to show off how wealthy they are. You might see these big cats going for walks with their owners or even riding in the front seat of a fancy car. But owning a cheetah isn’t just risky; it’s also against the law and can result in big fines.

While it might look cool to have a cheetah, it’s actually not a good idea. These wild animals can be dangerous and are meant to live in places like Africa, not someone’s home. Keeping a cheetah as a pet can make the animal sick and is really not fair to them. So, it’s better to let these amazing creatures live freely in the wild.

29. Edible Gold Dishes

As if there wasn’t enough gold already, in Dubai bling isn’t just for your finger—it’s for your fork! That’s right, the city that never skimps on luxury takes gastronomy to a glittering new level by offering foods wrapped in edible gold. From gold-dusted burgers and blinged-out ice creams to cappuccinos that gleam like a pirate’s treasure, you can munch on metals all you want. But don’t get any ideas about chowing down on your gold jewelry—only culinary-grade gold, which ranges between 22 to 24 karats, is fit for consumption. So, are you feeling peckish for something precious?

If you’re a foodie with a taste for the shiny and spectacular, then you can’t miss the “Go for Gold” package at Trophy Room, a sports bar tucked away in Dubai’s Fairmont hotel. This epicurean experience serves you classic pub grub but with a golden twist: think 24-karat gold-dusted chicken nuggets accompanied by golden fries. So if you want to eat like a king or queen, you know where to go! 

30. Hot Air Balloon Ride in Dubai Desert

Ever dreamt of floating high above the Dubai desert, watching the sun rise over a sea of sand dunes? You don’t have to imagine anymore. For $350, less than the cost of tandem skydiving in the city, you can make that dream come true. Picture the endless red and orange waves of sand glowing in the sunlight, creating a surreal, breathtaking landscape that’s home to countless desert creatures—though you’d be hard-pressed to spot them from up there.

But wait, there’s more! The hot air balloon experience isn’t just about the flight. Your adventure also includes a breakfast and a falcon show. Plus, you get to enjoy a 60-minute “air safari” showcasing some of the most stunning views the Dubai desert has to offer. So if you’re looking for an unforgettable way to experience the natural beauty of Dubai, this hot air balloon ride has got you covered.

31. Driverless Taxis

Hop into the future with Dubai’s driverless taxis, a game-changing venture that debuted back in 2018. Pimped-out Mercedes-Benz sedans make up the fleet, each armed with LiDAR tech—a laser system that constantly measures the distance between the car and surrounding objects. Don’t worry about speed demons here; these robotic cabs have a max speed of 20 mph, prioritizing safety over the need for speed. And with room for up to four passengers, you and your friends can experience tomorrow’s tech today.

But hold your horses—these taxis are driverless, but not without a human backup. Each car comes with a “safety driver” in the front seat. While the car is fully capable of cruising the streets on its own, this attentive human is there to seize the wheel in case of emergencies. It’s like having a guardian angel who also knows how to parallel park! So, you get the best of both worlds: a glimpse into a future of autonomous driving, paired with the peace of mind that only a human touch can provide.

32. $9.53 in Gold on Display

Dubai’s Mall of the Emirates has a really amazing sight: 250 kilograms of gold bars on display! That’s about 551 pounds of gold. The gold is arranged to look like a shopping bag and is worth about $9.53 million. You can see this impressive display at a store called Jumbo in the mall.

The gold isn’t just for looking at; it’s also a way to get people into the store. This big gold display was set up to promote a shopping festival in Dubai. Jumbo Electronics worked with the Emirates Gold Refinery and another group called DFRE to make it happen. The gold has brought lots of visitors to the store, making it a smart way to attract attention.

33. Coined Range Rover

Forget gold plating or diamond encrusting; Dubai is offering a Range Rover completely covered in coins—57,000 of them to be exact! These coins, which can be either antique or everyday-use, are meticulously hand-polished before being glued to the car’s body. The entire process is incredibly labor-intensive but leads to a truly unique vehicle.

But here’s the clincher: all those coins add an extra 375 pounds to the Range Rover, which already weighs a staggering 6,834 pounds. As CarBuzz pointed out, it’s perhaps the most “blinged-out” car wrap you’ll ever see. With an estimated value of $6,000 just for the wrap, this coined Range Rover is certainly making a statement—one coin at a time.

34. Zipline over Dubai Marina

If you’ve ever wanted to see Dubai from a bird’s-eye view while getting an adrenaline rush, XLine has got you covered. For the thrill-seekers, XLine offers one of the world’s fastest and steepest ziplines, right over the Dubai Marina. The zipline is 0.62 miles long, suspended 558 feet above the ground, and lets you reach eye-watering speeds of up to 50 miles per hour. With a single ride priced at $177 and a double at $354, it’s an experience not for the faint of heart, but then again, when has Dubai ever been about subtlety?

As you glide over the Marina, you’re treated to stunning vistas that include picturesque beaches, opulent yachts, and the pristine waters below. And if it’s the urban landscape you’re more interested in, there’s also an XLine route that takes you over Downtown Dubai. There, you can marvel at the sleek high-rises and ritzy neighborhoods that make up this extraordinary city.

35. Million Dollar Wedding Cakes

Forget everything you thought you knew about over-the-top, because Dubai is rewriting the rule book, one million-dollar wedding cake at a time. In a city where opulence is the norm and luxury knows no bounds, a life-sized bride cake is just the tip of the iceberg—or should we say, the top of the fondant? 

This jaw-dropping cake isn’t just a feat of culinary skills; it’s a crystal-clear reflection of how Dubai does it bigger, better, and definitely more luxuriously than anywhere else. Seriously, in what other city can you sail through a floating supermarket or have pizza delivered by a Ferrari? Only in Dubai, where even your wedding cake can rock its own diamond-studded headdress. I mean, this city makes Vegas look like a garage sale. Brace yourselves; in Dubai, the extraordinary is just another Tuesday.

36. Planet Earth Car

Hold on to your seats, because you won’t believe this one—even by Dubai’s outrageous standards. Sheikh Hamad bin Hamdan al Nahyan, better known as the Rainbow Sheikh, has created a car that’s literally out of this world. Picture this: A drivable, globe-shaped car that’s an exact 1:1,000,000 scale replica of planet Earth. No, you’re not dreaming or stuck in a sci-fi flick; this mobile sphere is as real as it gets!

But wait, there’s more! Inside this Earth-on-wheels, you’ll find not just a steering wheel and a few seats, but two bedrooms, a bathroom, and a fully-equipped kitchen! It’s like an RV that graduated from Harvard. The Rainbow Sheikh uses this engineering marvel to trek across the vast deserts of Dubai like a roving world ambassador. And let’s not forget, he houses this beauty alongside his insane collection of cars in a museum that’s open to the public for free. In a city known for opulence, the Globe Car proves once again that in Dubai, the sky—or should we say the globe—is the limit! 

37. Bee Sting Facials

Botox is so passé. In Dubai, we’re letting bees do the job! Okay, not literally, but close enough. Welcome to the world of Bee Sting Facials at The Nail Spa, where you get to look years younger without a needle in sight. Costing $137, this buzzworthy treatment is all the rage for a reason! 

Before you freak out, let’s clear the air: no actual bees will be buzzing around your face. Instead, the treatment uses specially formulated masks packed with humane bee venom. Why? To trick your skin into thinking it’s been stung. Don’t worry; it’s not as scary as it sounds. The result is a surge in blood flow and a boost in collagen and elasticity. Plus, it’s blended with manuka honey to keep things sweet and soothing. No bees were harmed in the making of this fabulous face. 

38. World’s Highest Rope Climbing Platform

So, you call yourself an adventure junkie, eh? Ever thought of climbing ropes at dizzying heights? If your pulse quickens at the thought, then brace yourself for the mother of all adrenaline rushes: Dubai’s Bluewaters Island is home to the world’s highest rope climbing platform. Part of the jaw-dropping Ain Dubai, the world’s largest observation wheel, this climbing platform stands at an astonishing height of over 150 meters (that’s about 500 feet for the metrically challenged). Oh, and this isn’t just some touristy gimmick—it’s a masterstroke by the government to show the world that Dubai isn’t just all glitz and glamour but also a playground for heart-pounding adventure.

Produced by Meraas as part of the massive $1.6 billion Bluewaters Island project, this climbing platform has been meticulously designed to attract thrill-seekers from all corners of the globe. Imagine it—ascending a vertical jungle while surrounded by the opulent skyline of one of the world’s richest cities. Forget your run-of-the-mill climbing gyms, this is where you test your mettle against gravity while being high enough to almost touch the sky. This isn’t just another check on your bucket list; it’s the pinnacle (literally) of rope climbing platforms globally. So, are you up for the challenge?

39. Heart-Shaped Lagoons Seen from Space

Dubai, a city that never ceases to astonish, has yet another marvel up its sleeve—this time for the romantics at heart. Picture this: A scenic drive from Dubai takes you to the Al Qudra desert, where not just any lake awaits, but a love-themed spectacle called Love Lake. Created to win hearts, both literally and metaphorically, this attraction is not your ordinary pond. Imagine two enormous water bodies shaped like interlinked hearts, big enough to be seen from space! Even the benches and gates sport heart shapes, perfect for that Instagrammable moment.

But the Love Lake is more than just a photo op—it’s a massive, living dedication to love. Covering almost two million square feet, this man-made wonder was a royal gift from Dubai’s Crown Prince Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashid al-Maktoum. It’s an oasis that brings the word “love” to life—quite literally. Trees spelling out the L-O-V-E overlook the heart-shaped water bodies, and the entire area is a conservation zone for lovebirds (both the human and avian kinds). This isn’t just another tourist hotspot; it’s a grand romantic gesture from a city that knows a thing or two about going big. So, whether you’re a couple looking for that perfect selfie or someone who just loves grand expressions of love, this lake is the spot where hearts find their home.

40. World’s Largest Picture Frame

This massive 150-meter tall picture frame offers stunning panoramic views of old and new Dubai. It cost a whopping $43.5 million to construct. The Dubai Frame is an architectural marvel designed as a massive frame to showcase views of the city. At 492 feet tall and 230 feet wide, the mirror-encased golden picture frame provides panoramic vistas spanning from old Dubai landmarks to the dazzling new skyline.

This gravity-defying structure towers nearly 500 feet over Zabeel Park and was an engineering feat costing tens of millions. Visitors can tour the Dubai Frame and its museum before ascending glass elevators to the sky bridge. From the bridge, both halves of Dubai are on display, with the city’s newest and most futuristic architecture visible in one direction. The elaborate frame is symbolic of Dubai’s vision to bridge its past and future. The Dubai Frame’s incredible views make its lavish $43.5 million price tag seem justified.

41. Floating Seahorse Villas 

Picture this—a three-story villa that floats on water, partially submerged around the World Islands, an audacious man-made archipelago shaped like a world map. Developed by Nakheel Properties and set in the Heart of Europe area of the World Islands, these villas boast a unique three-level design with a jaw-dropping underwater bedroom and bathroom. The 4,000-square-foot space immerses residents in an aquatic utopia, surrounded by artificial coral reefs and vibrant marine life. Above sea level, the villas continue to dazzle with floor-to-ceiling windows, an open-plan living area, and a dining space that extends onto a sun deck. But the opulence doesn’t stop there—ascend to the uppermost level, and you’ll find a mini-bar, kitchenette, and even a glass-bottomed hot tub with panoramic views of Dubai’s skyline and the Persian Gulf.

The first phase of this ambitious project already features 78 homes, with a total of 131 villas planned for the future. And while these architectural marvels don’t have their own propulsion systems, they are anchored securely to the ocean floor using marine-grade concrete. Prepare to shell out a cool $2,990,506 to own one of these luxurious villas. For that multi-million-dollar price tag, residents get to experience underwater living at its finest, right in the lap of extreme luxury—a lifestyle offering that can only exist in the extraordinary landscape of Dubai.

42. Ski Dubai

Skiing while it is outdoors above 40 degrees? It seems impossible, but then again… It’s Dubai! Ski Dubai allows residents and visitors to ski and snowboard right in the middle of the desert. The indoor ski area spans over 240,000 square feet with 22,500 square meters dedicated to ski slopes. Ski Dubai contains a main downhill run, terrain parks, chairlifts, a ski school, and cafe. The facility provides jackets, boots, skis, helmets, gloves and all necessary winter gear.

Ski Dubai provides winter sport entertainment year round. Patrons flock to the slopes to snow tube, build snowmen, climb interactive ice towers or zipline through the snow. An attached penguin encounter area is home to a colony of king and gentoo penguins. Ski Dubai reflects the ability of ambitious Dubai developers to make the impossible possible.

43. Palm Jumeirah

Palm Jumeirah is an engineering marvel visible from space. This man-made archipelago added over 50 miles of new coastline shaped like a palm tree. Constructing the artificial islands required over 70 million cubic meters of sand and rock. The Palm Jumeirah houses luxury beachfront resorts, homes, hotels, villas, and apartments across its 17 fronds.

This colossal human-engineered island took $12 billion and 10 years to complete. Homes on the Palm Jumeirah can cost thousands to millions per square foot. Water parks, aquariums, yacht marinas and shopping centers provide amenities for residents. While artificially conceived, Palm Jumeirah is now living, breathing proof of Dubai’s ability to create new land from scratch.

44. Dubai Mall Aquarium

Spanning 51 feet tall and 32 feet wide, the Dubai Mall Aquarium tank is one of the largest aquarium displays on Earth. This enormous acrylic panel holds 272,000 gallons of water and over 33,000 creatures. Valued at a whopping $66 million, the aquarium tank immerses shoppers below sea level. Sharks, manta rays, crocodiles, eels and hundreds of fish species occupy the tank ecosystem.

For an additional cost, visitors can don scuba gear and dive with the aquarium’s aquatic residents. Or travelers can opt to cage-snorkel with reef sharks and rays for an underwater thrill. The Dubai Mall aquarium provides a visual spectacle unlike any other mall. Its 33,000 sea creatures showcase just how over-the-top Dubai goes when designing standard attractions.

45. 4-Carat Gold Facials

Gold, gold and more gold! Dubai just can’t have enough of it! We’ve seen it on cars, on jewelry, in food and now you can even wear it on your face. Head on over to Jumeirah Zabeel Saray on the Palm Jumeirah for a facial that’s fit for royalty—the ’24K Gold Facial Treatment.’ But hey, this isn’t just some run-of-the-mill spa day; it’s a golden extravaganza!

Before your face gets the Midas touch, you’ll be pampered with an Argan oil massage and treated to a caviar lunch. Talk about living the high life! The real show-stopper, though, is the 24K gold chain mask that gets applied to your skin. It’s not just bling for your face; people swear it makes them look years younger. All this luxe treatment comes with a hefty price tag of $6,800, but let’s face it, you’re not just paying for skincare—you’re paying for an experience that’s worth its weight in gold!

46. Luxury Vending Machines

Ever thought of vending machines as just snack dispensers? Think again, especially if you’re in Dubai! There, companies like S*uce Gifts offer vending machines stocked with high-end items, from jewelry to lavish scented candles. The estimated value of these luxury items ranges from $79 to $1,260 per item. As an extra touch, these automated gift shops even wrap your chosen item in a gleaming golden gift bag.

The idea targets luxury travelers and helps Dubai maintain its image as a tax-free shopping paradise. And here’s the kicker: these luxury vending machines are open 24/7. So if you suddenly remember you need a gift, whether it’s day or night, just swing by one of these machines and treat someone—maybe even yourself!

47. Burj al Arab 

Dubai’s famous 7-star hotel stands on its own man-made island. An overnight stay in one of its lavish suites can cost over $24,000. The Burj al Arab dominates the skyline, its sail-like silhouette an icon of modern Dubai. Often considered the world’s only “7-star” hotel, the Burj al Arab sits on a private island accessible by bridge. The hotel’s opulent decor includes a 180,000 square foot lobby draped in gold and plush suites with Hermes toiletries.

A one-night stay starts around $2,000 but its Royal Suite exceeds $24,000 per night. The two-story Royal Suite spans nearly 10,000 square feet and includes a personal butler, library, lounge, massage room, and rotating 4 poster beds. The Burj al Arab’s over-the-top amenities and customer service standards redefined luxury in Dubai. Its prices may be out of reach for many travelers, but even stopping for tea or cocktails allows visitors a glimpse into its otherworldly extravagance.

Sources: Forbes, CNN Travel, Gulfnews, Car&Bike, Construction Week, Investing | Images: Giovanni Carlone/EyeEm/Getty Images, Wallpapers.com, Flickr/Kyle Lane, Shutterstock/Tavarius 2020, iStock/Delpixart, Flickr/Pin Homes, Robert Harding/Gavin Hellier, 2019 Delpixel/Shutterstock, Youtube video stills, iStock/Olga Slobodianiuk, Flickr/Webjunky80, Flickr/Mudassir Hassan Photography, Instagram/@humaidalbuqaish, @naveenbc007/Pinterest.com, Trophy room, hidubai Focus, Targovcom , Pinterest.com/ @berumenag, Pinterest/@mayraperezmadri, Rooftop Boxing Match/ AJ Boxing via Getty Images, FrankvandenBergh/iStock, Coby Persin/Twitter, World’s Highest Rope Climbing Platform @UAERussian/Pinterest.com, Dangerous Car Park Attendants @hobotoast/Pinterest.com, Vecteezy, Daimler AG – Global Communic/Press photo, Policemen with Hoverbikes @Cnn/Pinterest.com, Jamesteohart, 205Kg’s of Gold on Display @Aeda Essa/Facebook.com, Grooms Wanted Ads @taylor2thompson0229/Pinterest.com, Vending Machines For Luxury Gifts @AtthetopBurjkhalifa/Facebook.com, Apomares, Coined Range Rover @rakitin365/Pinterest.com, Sailing Supermarkets @alifareed552/Pinterest.com, $817 Dollar Ice Cream Scoop @gateauiz/Pinterest.com, Diamond-Encrusted Toilet @sohan97299/Pinterest.com, Pizza Delivered by a Farrari @kelceycoward/Pinterest.com, Designer Trash Bins @mutchiec/Pinterest.com, Million Dollar Wedding Cakes @MadhyamamDaily/Pinterest.com, Robotic Police Officers @SanderVideos/Pinterest.com, Ferrari McDelivery/Imgur.com, Globe Car @mapio_net/Pinterest.com, Evelinejessy/Pinterest, Bee Sting Facials @the_telegraph/Pinterest, Ice Cafes @Rukku Sumayya/Youtube, Rodrigobark/Getty Images, Different Fashion @marlybrenda/Pinterest, Free Food at the Supermarket @taylor2thompson0228/Pinterest.com, Flickr/Tedesco57 

La entrada 47 Coisas loucas que só existem no Dubai se publicó primero en Conselhos e Truques.

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